NAVI MUMBAI: Two injured black kites were brought to the animal hospital in Kharghar on Thursday by rescuers. One of the kite’s right wing was bleeding as it had been slashed. “After thorough examination we realized that the bird must have got entangled with wires or Manja thread .We have started the necessary treatment and medications,” said Dr Yuvraj Kaginkar, an avian veterinarian.
The birds are being treated at Myvets4Pets Animal Hospital and will be released in the wild after they recover.
The birds were malnourished as they had not eaten or drunk for a long time before being rescued. “Since nutrition is the key factor during recovery, we have been giving them meat,” said Dr. Madhurita Gupta, chief veterinarian.
Kaginkar added that the bird with the damaged wing may not be able to fly very well but they have to release them as “there is no space to keep the birds after recovery”.
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